How to start while label GPS tracking business?
(05-26-2016, 02:29 PM)Bartolem Wrote: How to start while label GPS tracking business? I would like to step into such a growing business sphere. I think there is a huge potential: all these autonomous car projects, growing transportation quantities and so on. Could you tell me more about options to make business with your gps tracking services?

Hello. Thank you for your interest in Gpswox gps tracking business. Yes, you are right. This market niche is steadily growing and the demand of such services is increasing.
If you want to make white label gps tracking business (that means you'll get system backend, servers and all technical support, but brandname will be yours) You have a couple of options:
you can buy lifetime license of gps tracking software.
You are able to pay monthly fee and run gps tracking business without big investments.
All management and charging of your customers is up to you.

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RE: How to start while label GPS tracking business? - by Forum Support - 05-26-2016, 02:31 PM

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